Was meine Kunden sagen
Gerne geben wir Ihnen telefonisch Auskunft über die Firmen mit denen wir zusammenarbeiten und die uns gerne weiterempfehlen.
Mein Coaching mit Frau Lünsmann ist nun beendet und ich möchte es nicht versäumen Ihnen zu danken. Es war großartig, spannend und wahnsinnig interessant. Ich setze vieles um und werden bestimmt noch lange daran üben und was von haben!
Frau Lünsmann kann ich übrigens sehr empfehlen. Nicht nur, dass wir gut harmoniert habe, aber ihre Art und Vorgehensweise haben mir sehr gut gefallen.
Liebe Frau Lünsmann, vielen Dank für Ihren Einsatz. Ich hatte den Eindruck, dass alle sehr zufrieden waren und Sie sie alle zum Nachdenken gebracht haben. Ich hoffe auch ganz stark, dass wir nächstes Jahr wieder gemeinsam aktiv werden können.
Liebe Charlotte, vielen Dank für das super Training. Ich habe mich zu jederzeit abgeholt und gehört gefühlt. Du hast Dir Zeit genommen meine Fragen zu beantworten. Du hast in den richten Momenten konstruktive Kritik und Lob geübt. Nach dem nun ein paar Wochen vergangen sind merke ich wie ich vieles aus Deinem Training auch schon unbewusst übernommen habe – einfach weil Du das Thema so Praxisnah vermitteln konntest.
This was the first management training that was interesting from the beginning to the end!
Short but powerful: the only management training that really make sense for me!
“Charlottes training modules are unique in that they are fast paced and engage all the trainees to get involved in the classes and exercises and the end result is the Managers leave the training with a brand new set of management tools to add to their skillset . I would highly recommend this training to all Managers looking to broaden their management skills”.
Great and innovative training from a fresh point of view! Very helpful tips and tricks that I could use right away! I would recommend this training to every manager.
Our leadership training has been very inspiring for me. Charlotte is a really great person she is able to explain all in a very simple way and she gives you easy tools which you can practise instantly! She is able to keep your attention till the end of the training day and you still want to listen. She brings a lot of energy!
Unquestionably, one of the best training programmes that I have participated in. The flow, the facilitation of engagement and the content were all perfectly pitched. Furthermore, there was a real emphasis on reflection, providing feedback, and focusing on areas that spoke most to participants. This really enabled us to take some real learnings away that can be practically applied. I am happy to say that this was the case for me and that I have adjusted my own approach to engagement, team situations and personal goal-setting positively as a result. Would not hesitate to recommend highly.
Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your talk today. I wouldn’t have the backbone to do anything like that.
What an exciting talk you gave us today! Brilliant! Thank you so much. I found it quite fascinating and was in absolute awe hearing about your experiences. How brave…and scary.
I would just like to say how impressed I was with your talk yesterday at the BWC lunch. It was one of the most interesting and informative talks we have had in a long time. I hope you will perhaps do another one next year. Congratulations and well done!